Sandra Zimmer Guides a Volunteer Speaker to Transform Stage Fright Tension & Nerves Live

Watch Sandra Zimmer coach a volunteer speaker through some of the Zimmer Method to transform stage fright into authentic presence and connection with the audience.

During her speech “It’s Your Time to Shine” to District 56 Toastmasters 2011 Spring Conference, Sandra Zimmer asked for a volunteer who wanted to experience greater comfort in front of groups. Bryce Adams volunteered. In this video, shot during her speech, Sandra guides Bryce to release his tension and anxiety. In just a few minutes of working with Sandra, Bryce is visibly more present, comfortable, confident and in a state of flow while standing in front of 150 people.

Watch more free videos on public speaking at Sandra Zimmer’s Free Video Series on Overcoming Stage Fright and Fear of Public Speaking.

About Sandra Zimmer

Sandra Zimmer has coached thousands of professionals for public speaking and for overcoming fear of public speaking. Sandra suffered terrible stage fright, but she had the right set of training and experiences to figure out how to transform public speaking anxiety into radiant presence and confidence to speak from the flow state. She brings her training in psychology, acting and directing, meditation, spiritual psychology and voice to help you shine when you speak.
Reach out to Sandra!