Sandra Zimmer’s Bonus Gifts

PDF of Chapter 1 of Sandra’s new book – It’s Your Time to Shine: How to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking, Develop Authentic Presence and Speak from Your Heart. ($9.00 value)

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Chapter 1 introduces you to Sandra’s revolutionary method to transform stage fright and fear of public speaking into authentic presence. Sandra explains how you “go into your head” when you become the center of attention and loose your sense of presence. She shares the secret of releasing stage fright and fear of public speaking so that you can feel free to share your real thoughts, feelings, insights and expertise. She also defines authenticity and encourages you to make it your goal for speaking. By claiming your sensitivity and using it to your benefit, you can become an authentic speaker, touching others on a deeper level by speaking from your heart.

Speaking From the Heart – 2 Hours of Audio ($29.00 value)

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These live recordings introduce you to Sandra Zimmer’s breakthrough method to release stage fright and develop a style of speaking based on being authentic rather than trying to be perfect. They were recorded live in an actual opening session of “Speaking from the Heart” led by Sandra Zimmer. Listen as seven participants begin their journey to transform stage fright and develop the power of presence. Learn what causes stage fright, how to release it, how to develop presence and grounding. The grounding meditation to help release anxiety and develop presence is included.

Sandra Zimmer

Sandra Zimmer suffered terrible stage fright as an actress, speaker and teacher. Combining her advanced degrees in psychology, acting, voice, speech and metaphysics, she developed a method for guiding people to release stage fright and fear of public speaking. Since 1988, she has helped thousands of people to transform their fear of speaking into authentic presence. She is the founder of The Self-Expression Center in Houston, Texas.

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Facebook: Sandra Zimmer